You want to read these short sweet puppies so you don't get in trouble.
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Essential Information
If you're a new member to the site, please read any threads posted here. This board is also for posting new, site-wide plots or announcements by staff and many existing threads may be updated constantly. So be sure to check in every once in a while to make sure you're up to date.
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Confused about something? Why not post a question in this board and either a staff member or fellow roleplayer will answer. Don't be afraid!
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Here you may introduce yourself or post biographies for your characters. This is also where the Plotting Board is located.
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General Board
You can discuss anything here, as long as it follows the site rules. The Staff Board is also located here.
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Art Board
Here you can post pictures that you have edited, drawn, ect.
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This is where you can advertise your website, it has to be proboards friendly!
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Byoki Rec Center
Here is a area for students to work. This involves swimming, exercise, basketball, ect.
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Starfall Mall
Here is the mall where most teens hang out after school.
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Main Street
Main Street is an old road lined with cute shops and restaurants. Many thrive off the students' business, and with so many places around it gives students many job opportunities.
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Stormchaser Park
Named after a very famous family, Stormchaser park is a place for kids to have fun on the monkey bars its surrounded by a large lake where you can fish and its perfect for a walk on a nice day.
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Kyo Beach
Often not visited during fall and winter, but a great place for spring and summer with a large ocean to swim in and sand to run through. Best place to get a tan.
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School Interior
Inside Myth Academy
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The male and female dorms are separate from each other, but that doesn't stop many couples from uniting together in one of their rooms. Security isn't all that tight around here.
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Sports Area
The Sports Area is home to many different fields and buildings, such as the soccer, football, and baseball fields, and the pool building. The track is also located here.
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This is outside the school where students come to study, hangout, eat, or just be alone.
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The auditorium is where parties, productions, assemblies, and other large events are held. Many theater kids believe this to be their second home, and many elective classes gather here daily.
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